Kay Johannsen


YouTube Channel:
You can hear him on Spotify.

Kay Johannsen is Collegiate Cantor and and Director of liturgical music at the Collegiate Church in Stuttgart, Germany. He directs the Stuttgarter Kantorei, the solistenensemble stimmkunst and the Collegiate Philhamonic Stuttgart and oversees a weekly concert series at the church. In addition to numerous recordings of repertoire, he has made three recordings of organ improvisations.


Advent And Christmas Music

Christmas: Improvisations on Christmas Songs


Kay Johannsen – Orgelimprovisation – Mühleisen-Orgel der Stiftskirche
Kay Johannsen – Free Improvisation ‘The Great Wall’ – Stuttgart, Stiftskirche
Kay Johannsen – Orgel-Improvisation über Psalm 57 – Stuttgart, Stiftskirche
Kay Johannsen – Improvisation on “Ode an die Freude’ – Stuttgart, Stiftskirche

Jean-Baptiste Dupont


Born in 1979, Jean-Baptiste Dupont began his musical studies at the piano. He discovered the organ later, at the age of 12 and began organ studies at the Institute of Sacred Music of Toulouse. He graduated with distinction from the organ departement at the Conservatoire in Toulouse. His teachers have included Michel Bouvard, Louis Robilliard, Philippe Lefebvre, Jan Willem Jansen and Thérèse Dussaut. He received the 1st prize (improvisation) in St-Albans international competition in July 2009.

In April 2012, Jean-Baptiste Dupont became the organist of the Bordeaux Cathedral.

YouTube Channel:

Jean-Baptiste Dupont – improvisation on the paintings of M.K.Churlionis
Jean-Baptiste Dupont – Symphonie improvisée playlist- St-Joseph, Bonn Beuel (Germany)
Jean-Baptiste Dupont – Improvisation at St-John the Divine, New York, NY

Edoardo Bellotti

edoardobellottiEdoardo Bellotti has extensive teaching experience in several musical institutions and universities including the Conservatory of Trossingen and the University of Bremen in Germany, the University of Udine and the Conservatory of Trento in Italy. He currently serves as Associate Professor of Organ, Harpsichord and Improvisation at Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York.

You can hear him on Spotify.


Promenade: a Musical Procession Through Paintings

Edoardo Bellotti – Improvised Elevation Re Fa Mi Re – Smarano
Jacques van Oortmerssen and Edoardo Bellotti improvise during the Smarano Academy